scientific research and get a closer look into how we implement evidence based practices through a practical coaching lens.

Normalizing Your Hunger Cues

Normalizing Your Hunger Cues

Learning to listen to your hunger signals takes consistent work, but it’s a skill you can build, or rebuild, that will serve you daily in life.  A common question clients ask is “how long will it take to normalize my hunger signals?” As always, context is king and there’s several factors that impact your hunger cues. In this article, we’ll dive into the three main time points: While dieting, immediately post diet and once you’ve recovered from a diet phase.  Hunger cues while dieting There are two hormones that...

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Why You’re Not Losing Weight at The Beginning of a Diet

Why You’re Not Losing Weight at The Beginning of a Diet

You’ve done all the right things to set you up for success. You’ve built up your calories, spent adequate time away from dieting, stabilized your hormones, and worked on your relationship with food.  But even after doing everything “right” your fat loss phase just isn’t going as flawlessly from the start as we thought it would. Why? While this can be frustrating, it is quite common! Especially for clients who have had extensive dieting histories. We see this scenario with our clients all the time and it’s not for...

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Using Anxiety to Your Advantage

Using Anxiety to Your Advantage

“I just wish I wasn’t anxious all the time.” “If my life was less stressful, things would be better.” “This [ insert new challenge ] is just too hard. I feel more comfortable doing what I was doing before. Can we go back to that?” Have you ever said any these statements or something similar? Maybe you’ve said all of them. I know I certainly have, and I’ve coached countless clients who have said these exact words, too. Stress and anxiety feel hard which makes us feel like we should eliminate them. But we can’t and...

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Why isolating yourself won’t help you reach your goals

Why isolating yourself won’t help you reach your goals

Whenever we decide to start working towards specific goals, it can be really tempting to want change everything in our lives and isolate ourselves. Maybe you start limiting eating out or eliminate social gatherings that are food centric. You might say no to seeing certain friends or friend groups based on their choices, and you ignore your co-workers requests to go out. And to be honest, there is validity to making radical changes in your life in pursuit of your health. Some of these specific changes, like saying...

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Normalizing Your Hunger Cues

Normalizing Your Hunger Cues

Learning to listen to your hunger signals takes consistent work, but it’s a skill you can build, or rebuild, that will serve you daily in life.  A...

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Using Anxiety to Your Advantage

Using Anxiety to Your Advantage

“I just wish I wasn’t anxious all the time.” “If my life was less stressful, things would be better.” “This [ insert new challenge ] is just too...

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